Mallow flower lesson

 Mallow flower lesson

For those who want to become florists, for those who want to learn flower arrangements as a hobby, Mallow offers lessons for all purposes.

Mallow lessons will teach you how to select beautiful and soothing flowers of the season.

You will encounter the joy of decorating your everyday life with beautiful flowers as well as the joy of sending flowers to your loved ones.

You will learn not just the skills to round up a bouquet, but also how to select the best flowers for the occasion.  You will be able to find the perfect combination which will bring out the best beauty of the flowers.

The lessons begin with the selection of flowers and takes you through the entire Mallow style.

Do you want to become a florist?  Or do you want to want to enjoy flower arrangements as a hobby?

Mallow offers lessons for everyone to enjoy.

Take one step closer to your <WANT TO BE>, with this new Mallow lesson.


Mallow lessons

There are 2 types of lessons which can be attended individually or with friends, up to  2-8 people.

1. Mallow flower

Duration: 1.5-2 hour
Fee: 15,000 yen

+English interpreter fee 5,000 yen

2.  Diploma 

1 Day Diploma

For those who are visiting Tokyo to enjoy and learn, there is a 1 Day Diploma program per each season.

You can chose from private lesson up to 8 people group lesson. You will learn 3-4 types of Mallow style in 1 day and will receive a 1 Day Diploma.

You will receive Mallow’s official diploma after completing all four seasons lessons. (1 lesson per season, 4 lessons total)

Duration: 1 day (6-7 hours)
Fee: 60,000 yen (Lunch included)

+English interpreter fee 5,000 yen


There is a “florist” course that can be completed while a week’s stay in Tokyo.
It is a 4 day course in which you can learn the whole Mallow style in total, such as bouquet, arrangement, styling, etc. (3-4 items per day)

This course will be held only 3 times a year and will be a maximum 4 people lesson.

*This course is not available as of 2019.
*It is a “florist” course which will grant a Malvaceae Diploma.

Duration: 4 days (5 hours per day)
Fee: 240,000 yen (Lunch and English interpreter included)